Your angel is waiting for the bold execution of your body of work (book or other piece of content) so it can catch an indescribable fire and set you on a path to eternal greatness.
...that J.K. Rowling sort of fire that sets you up for life and makes you immune to the conditions that govern most of humankind.
But you're still bound by the laws of the jungle because you haven't published.
Know what I mean by laws of the jungle?
Well, take apex predators (like lions and tigers) in the actual jungle for example.
They are in a constant state of hunting... or they would die of hunger.
And because they have no technology to store up their kill, they cannot 'store wealth' and be free from a life of constant hunting.
Imagine if lions had deep freezers... they'd probably only hunt once a month or so.
They can't... and so they are slaves to their own survival... Hunt they must.
Some animals (like squirrels) have learned to store their food, but they are slaves to a different kind of survival.
Though they've learned to store up their 'wealth' and don't need to hunt anymore, they must now live in perpetual fear of being hunted... by those predators who are slaves of their own survival.
Such is nature... and such are the shackles of most of mankind, especially here in the 3rd World.
If you live from pay check to pay check, from hand to mouth so tightly that you're unable to store wealth or save, you are under the same yoke as the animals in the jungle who have no choice.
You can tell that your current vehicle is likely not a ticket out of the figurative jungle.
Some have broken away from that life of toil and you can too, but not so easily.
Your big break is likely to come from a bold deviation from the norm, the risky path that most of your peers are too afraid or self-conscious to take.
Everyone else will wait for certainty.
They will wait for you to do it first, so they can copy you if you survive.
But they don't now that once you make it through, that gate will be closed.
The uncertainty is your sacrifice.
Your biggest hindrance is you... and what you believe you can or cannot do.
You're already at rock bottom. What's there to lose?
You've read enough books and taken enough courses.
Don't stop educating yourself and improving your craft, but it's time to PRESS PLAY!
For some of us who were handed nothing and inherited nothing, courage was enough.
Publish your book, travel to a land you've never been, apply for that opportunity, publish your video/podcast... do it enough times to matter.
You only have to be right once.
The uncertainty is your sacrifice.
Your angel is waiting for the bold execution of your body of work so it can catch an indescribable fire and set you on a path to eternal greatness.
There's still time in 2020 to make the rest of your life... the best of your life.
Don't pause...
Press play.
- J.O.
Wonderful write-up